In the name of Allah..
Hi everybody. After several months I took time to update my
blog. How come??!
Here, I just want to share about my experience for an
interview scholarship jpa-mara in early month of April I guest. Why suddenly I
want to share about this? I thought maybe some juniors who want to attend for
an interview may read at this blog since they just finished their spm
examination. Hehe.. I just want to help you.
Actually I apply for the course of medicine. The minimum
requirement for the application is all core subject is A-, while other course
depends on their minimum requirement. For this application, it offered to
pursue study in the country. Jpa-mara just offer to pursue study in abroad for
engineering course in this year.
When I got the offer letter for an interview, I was very
excited. Of course we would be happy, right? But I was curious because the
entire candidate had to wear sport attire for the interview. ‘Are you sure this
interview is for the scholarship?’ Maybe they wanted to see the entire
candidate with same attires.
As preparation, of course you had to prepare the entire
required document that they had asked. For the attires, if you don’t have the
good attire, just buy the new one because you should do the best if you really
want to get the scholarship.
At that day, my mother could not send me because it is very
far from my home. I stay for several days at my uncle’s home. So he could send
me for the interview at UNITEN Kajang. We actually had late already to reach
that place. As soon I reached there, the entire candidate had to gather at the
hall in level 2, but the parents cannot follow their children and they had to
wait at level 1. Then, we were given the card number and had to pass the entire
document required to the person in charge there. We were separate into two
groups which is two session; interview with the panel and group presentation.
Then, in every session we were divided into several groups
which a group consists of 8-7 people. I was chosen to be in the interview with
panel session with 7 others friend. I was so scared at that time. There were so
many brilliant intelligent students there! But I tried to be cool. For the
interview, there were two panels of interviewers in every room and we were
being interview in the group. So of course the question that they asked is
about your interest. Just be honest about your interest. In my group, mostly
they apply for the medicine and engineering but there were also some of them
apply for multimedia and geology.
The issue that they asked is about the increase number of
doctor in our country. They stated that there were so many doctors nowadays but
at the end there were just a few of doctors that can contribute for government.
But actually they want to tell that there were so many students apply for the
medicine and just 100 people got the scholarship out of 500 students. So my
opinion, think carefully if you really want to apply for medicine.
After that, we were asked to go for our second session which
is group presentation. For that session, we were also being interview by two
interviewers. I’m really glad that my group was very sporting and supporting. We
were given an issue and had to discuss about pro and cons, the effect and how
to overcome it. Then, we had to present our discussion to other group so there
will be Q&A session after the presentation. So you have to become socialize person
and actively interact as teamwork.
Ok guys. That's all from my experience for jpa-mara scholarship.
The result?? Haha..guess what??
I got the offer but not in medicine. That's all.^^
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